The upstream and downstream responsibility for direct and indirect carbon emissions for Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, South-Korea and France for different values of the discount factor.

Network-based allocation of responsibility for GHG emissions

In this paper we develop a method to hold players responsible for indirect emissions - emissions that take place elsewhere in their supply chain.

Rosa van den Ende, Antoine Mandel, Agnieszka Rusinowska (2023)
Adjacency matrix A and its corresponding digraph G

Responsibility value on digraphs

[Work in progress] We take a more mathematical and cooperative game theoretical approach at an upstream responsibility value.

Rosa van den Ende and Dylan Laplace Mermoud (2023)
The dynamics of quantum state reduction.

The quantum state reduction of general intital states through spontaneous unitarity violation

Published in Entropy, 26(2), 131. From when I was still in Theoretical Physics.

Aritro Mukherjee, Srinivas Gotur, Jelle Aalberts, Rosa van den Ende, Lotte Mertens, Jasper van Wezel (2024)